Our Services

What we offer

Puppy groom - from £35

Puppy grooms are for dogs that are 6 months and under. Puppies can be groomed as early as 8 weeks. We highly recommend bringing them as soon as possible to get them de-sensitised to the grooming process.

  • 2 washes with our luxury all natural shampoo and conditioner

  • Coat fully brushed and dried

  • Face, feet and hygiene trim

  • Nail trim and ear clean

  • Fragrant spritz

bath - from £35

  • 2 washes with our luxury all natural shampoo and conditioner

  • Coat fully brushed and dried

  • Nail trim and ear clean

  • Fragrant spritz

Full groom - From £45

  • 2 washes with our luxury all natural shampoo and conditioner

  • Coat fully brushed and dried

  • Full body or hand strip and face trim

  • Nail trim and ear clean

  • Fragrant spritz

oTher service

Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning

Consultation/ First Session - £35

Subsequent Sessions - £20

This teeth cleaning experience is like no other. This advanced Ultrasonic Toothbrush generates 60 Million oscillations per minute and when combined with the specially formulated toothpaste, it creates millions of fine micro bubbles that are able to penetrate into the smallest of gaps.

Through ultrasonic movement, food particles, tartar, plaque and bacteria deep in the gums are transferred to the outside, allowing the teeth and mouth be cleaned thoroughly.

The motionless and completely silent toothbrush is suitable for all breeds and ages.

In the consultation we will assess if the dog will allow us to put the instruments in the dog’s mouth. To start, we will only do the two front canines and if they pass the consultation they can move on to a full mouth clean.

MAINTENANCE groom - From £35

  • 2 washes with our luxury all natural shampoo and conditioner

  • Coat fully brushed and dried

  • Face, feet, hygiene and legs tidy

  • Nail trim and ear clean

  • Fragrant spritz


  • Nails - £10

  • Ears clean - £5

  • Paw/nose balm - £5

  • Fresh breath foam - £4

  • Blueberry facial - £5

  • Mud bath (De-shed treatment) - from £15